How to Keep Insurance Premiums Low

Car insurance is a must-have for anyone who owns or drives a car. However, the cost of car insurance can be a significant expense, especially for those on a tight budget. Here are some ways to keep car insurance premiums low:

  1. Compare rates from different insurers.   The first step in keeping your car insurance premiums low is to compare rates from different insurers. Rates can vary significantly from one insurer to another, so it’s important to shop around to get the best deal.  Insuring with Homeowners Insurance Group, we do the shopping for you.  We are an independent agency, meaning we work with many insurance companies.   Each year at your renewal, we’ll look at your rates and if we see a big increase, we’ll check with you to see if it’s ok to shop it for you.   There’s no need to pay attention to that because we’ll do it for you. 
  2. Choose a higher deductible The deductible is the amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. Choosing a higher deductible can lower your monthly premiums, but make sure you choose a deductible you can afford to pay in case of an accident.
  3. Maintain a good driving record and claims history.  Having a good driving record can help you get lower insurance rates. Insurance companies consider drivers with a history of accidents and traffic violations as high-risk and charge them higher premiums.  If you have several claims on your record that will cause your rate to go up, including glass claims. 
  4. Drive a low-risk car.  The type of car you drive can also impact your insurance rates. High-performance cars, luxury cars, and sports cars are generally more expensive to insure than a family sedan or an economy car. Safety features, such as airbags and anti-theft devices, can also lower your insurance premiums.
  5. Consider usage-based insurance. Usage-based insurance, also known as telematics or pay-as-you-drive insurance, uses technology to track your driving habits and adjust your insurance rates accordingly. If you’re a safe driver, you could save a significant amount on your insurance premiums.
  6. Bundle your insurance policies If you have multiple insurance policies, such as home and auto insurance, bundling them together with the same insurer can lower your overall insurance premiums.
  7. Ask about discounts. Insurance companies offer various discounts, such as good student discounts, multi-car discounts, and safe driving discounts. Ask your insurer about these discounts to see if you qualify.

In conclusion, keeping your car insurance premiums low requires a combination of smart shopping, safe driving, and taking advantage of discounts. By doing your research, choosing the right coverage, and taking steps to reduce your risk, you can keep your car insurance premiums low while still having the protection you need on the road.   We’re happy to do the research for you, every year! 

Tips to prepare your business for a storm

As the weather shifts and summer storms become more frequent, it’s important for business owners in the Scottsdale, AZ area to be prepared.  Homeowners Insurance Group is happy to assist. 

Here are some tips from us to help you prepare your business for a storm: 

1. Prepare an Emergency Plan:

Create a plan with your employees that outlines what needs to be done in case of a storm. This includes instructions on how to evacuate, where everyone should go, and who is responsible for shutting down equipment or securing documents. 

2. Backup Important Files:

In case of flooding or power outages, having backups of important documents and files can save you time and money when it comes time to recover them. Invest in an external hard drive or cloud storage service so that you always have access to important information no matter what happens.

3. Protect Equipment:

Unplug electronics and store them in a safe place away from windows, as flying debris can cause damage during high winds or hail storms. Consider investing in surge protectors so that any sudden changes in electricity won’t cause permanent damage to sensitive equipment. 

4. Secure Outdoor Areas:

If there’s outdoor furniture or other objects around your business property, make sure they are securely tied down before the storm hits to prevent them from becoming dangerous projectiles during heavy winds. 

Reach Out To Us

By keeping these tips in mind and planning ahead, you can ensure that your business is ready the next time a storm rolls through town! For more tips, call us at Homeowners Insurance Group today. We proudly serve the Scottsdale, AZ area and would be happy to answer all of your questions.

What NOT to do when buying home insurance

Buying home insurance can be a daunting task, but the experts at Homeowners Insurance Group are here to guide you through the process and help you avoid common mistakes. Here are a few things NOT to do when buying home insurance in Scottsdale, AZ and the surrounding areas.

Don’ts of Home Insurance

Don’t skimp on coverage:

It can be tempting to save money by opting for a lower coverage limit, but it’s important to make sure your policy provides enough coverage to rebuild your home in case of a total loss. It’s also important to review your policy to make sure you have adequate liability coverage in case someone is injured on your property.

Don’t neglect to update your coverage:

As you make changes to your home, such as remodeling or adding a pool, it’s important to update your coverage to reflect these changes. Failing to do so could result in a coverage gap in case of a loss.

Don’t assume your policy covers everything:

Standard home insurance policies often exclude certain types of damage, such as flooding or earthquakes. Be sure to review your policy and understand what is and isn’t covered, and consider purchasing additional coverage if necessary.

Don’t overlook discounts:

Many insurance companies offer discounts for things like installing security systems or being claims-free. Be sure to ask Homeowners Insurance Group about available discounts to help lower your premium.

Don’t forget to shop around:

It’s important to compare quotes from different insurance companies to make sure you are getting the best deal. At Homeowners Insurance Group, we are committed to providing our customers in Scottsdale, AZ and the surrounding areas with the best coverage at the best price.

Give Us A Call

Contact Homeowners Insurance Group today to learn more about the coverage options available to you.

Is Term Life Insurance Right For You?

Life insurance is essential coverage but can be confusing and often overwhelming. Homeowners Insurance Group serving Scottsdale, AZ wants to help our clients understand their options so they can confidently make choices.

Here are some FAQS to help you learn how term life insurance works and if it’s a good option for your needs:

What are the pros and cons?


  • 5-30 year terms.
  • Affordable, flexible premiums.
  • Simple policies.


  • Temporary benefits may not work for everyone’s needs
  • No cash value or investment value
  • Age limited

What happens if you die during the term? 

Your insurance company will pay out a tax-free lump sum to your beneficiary. 

What happens if you age out of the term? 

You can terminate the policy, roll it into a whole life or universal life policy, or renew the term life policy at your present age. 

What happens if you need to cancel?

You can terminate a term policy with no penalties. 

Who benefits most from term life insurance?

  • Business Owners – Covers debts, outstanding taxes, and expenses typically appear in the buy-sell contract. Can also be purchased to cover critical employees, known as key man insurance, in which the business pays for the coverage and is also the beneficiary. 
  • Sole Incomes – If you are the sole income for your household and want to protect your family if you pass away, term life can give your partner time to recover before looking for work or paying for education or childcare expenses. 
  • Young Couples – The younger and healthier you are, the more affordable term life is. 
  • Those with Hefty Debt – Term life can reduce significant debt like mortgages to ensure your property can pass into family hands rather than be sold. 

Get The Right Coverage For Your Needs

If you are in or near Scottsdale, AZ, and are ready to select the life insurance policy that works best for your needs, call or stop by Homeowners Insurance Group today. Our knowledgeable staff can answer your questions, discuss your options, and help you select the life insurance policy that serves you best. 

What coverage comes with an umbrella insurance plan?

The Scottsdale, AZ area continues to be a great place to live. Anyone that is in this area of the state will want to know that they are properly insured. When you are looking for personal coverage, an umbrella insurance plan is a great option and a form of insurance to consider getting. An umbrella plan offers various forms of coverage that will make it a good investment for you to add to your personal insurance plan. 

Umbrella Insurance: What It Entails

Support for More Significant Claims

One type of coverage that you will get with your umbrella plan is support for some larger and more significant claims. If you own a home or a car, you likely already have some liability coverage. However, these plans will always have limits and a major claim could exceed your policy. If you are covered with umbrella insurance, you will have additional liability coverage on top of the existing plans. 

Broader Liability Coverage

It is also helpful to have an umbrella plan because it will offer broader liability coverage. An umbrella insurance plan covers different potential risks that may be covered under a home or auto plan. Ultimately, this helps to ensure you are prepared for unexpected events that could result in a liability claim. This could be a great financial resource during an otherwise challenging time. 

Contact Us Today

There are plenty of insurance options for people in the Scottsdale, AZ area to consider and umbrella insurance should be a priority. When you are evaluating your options here, it would be helpful to call the Homeowners Insurance Group. The team with the Homeowners Insurance Group will be able to help you evaluate all of your liability risks and needs. Based on this assessment, we can help you create a plan that will properly mitigate your liability risks. 

What Scottsdale residents need to know about flood insurance

The Homeowners Insurance Group is here to support the greater Scottsdale, AZ area and help residents with all of their insurance needs. If you have questions about protecting your home from flood damage, give us a call today.

What you need to know about flood insurance

When it comes to protecting your home from flood damage, the more information you have, the better. Even if you don’t live in a flood zone, or your lender hasn’t made it a requirement, you can still benefit from having a flood insurance policy. Most primary homeowners’ policies do not provide coverage for damage that is caused by a flood.

Flash flooding can cause a significant amount of damage, as can flood waters that collect in low-lying areas. Now is a good time to take a closer look at your current homeowner’s policy to determine if it provides the coverage you need. Adding an additional flood insurance policy to your overall protection is often a smart move to make.

If your home is destroyed by a flood or water damage, you will want to have adequate protection in place. A local agent can sit down with you to discuss flood insurance and if it makes sense for you to have a policy based on the location of your home. Don’t wait until a flood event happens to find out that you don’t have the protection you need for your home. Take a look at your coverage now.

Call or stop by today!

Homeowners in Scottsdale, AZ and the surrounding region can count on the team at Homeowners Insurance Group for all of their insurance needs. We are here to help! Contact our office or come by today to find out more about our insurance services.

Home Claims, Submit or Not to Submit

My New Years’ Resolution for 2022 is to educate my clients on a variety of insurance topics.   Understanding the insurance rating process will help you keep your insurance premiums as low as possible.

My topic today is going to be homeowners’ claims, should you submit or not submit it?

I think it is important for you to know that you can be canceled for claims.    It is not unusual for a company to cancel you if you’ve had 2 claims in 3 – 5 years.

So what happens if you’re canceled for claims?   If this happens then I can’t get you insured with another preferred company until that falls off your record.    I just had this happen to a good client of mine and it is a big deal for them.   Their premium increased from $1700 to over $3000 once 2 claims were presented.   On the third, they were canceled.   The only company I can place them with is a high-risk company.   The premium is now over $4400 a year and their coverage is not nearly as good as the old policy.  They have no choice but to take the policy because nobody else will insure them.   Even one claim can preclude you from moving to some insurance companies.   I have several companies that won’t write a home if the client has had 1 loss in 3 years.

I know…why have insurance?!?!?   I agree it isn’t fair, but this is how it is unless they pass legislation precluding companies for canceling due to claims.

The amount of the claim doesn’t matter, it is a frequency issue.   I had a client that came to me from another company.   She was canceled for having a $150 claim and a $500 claim.   I was able to write the policy, but the premium was $3000.   Her original premium was only $500.

Back to my original question, should you submit that claim?   Well, that is up to each individual situation and your “pain threshold” as I like to put it.    Claims stay on your record for five long years.  Of course, there are those situations where you can’t avoid a claim and really that is why you have insurance.   Don’t be afraid to submit a claim if you need to.   My primary goal is to protect you and educate you on the process.   I write for 15 different companies and have the ability to move you if needed.   I want to keep you in the best possible rating category to keep those rates down.

Some claims are unavoidable, but keeping your home well-maintained will stave off many unfortunate situations.   Is your roof in good repair?   If you have an older home, have you had that inspected by a plumber or electrician to insure that all is in good working order?   What about that old water heater?   Those have to be replaced as they get older because they’ve been known to explode, causing major water damage.   It is recommended that they be replaced every 10 years.   There are many ways to ensure that you and your family have a safe and claim-free home.

I found another article in the Wall Street Journal on home claims that was interesting…if you’d like more information.

Again, you have your insurance in case something happens.   I want to help assist you in your process.   I usually advise my clients to call me before calling the insurance company.   I’m happy to discuss your individual situation and possible options in the event something happens.   I represent you first and foremost!

Have a wonderful 2023!

Aliesha Brard, Principal

Documents that you should always carry in your vehicle

Most of us take the fact that we can drive for granted. We need to have a vehicle to get around, to get to work and all the other activities that make up our lives. At Homeowners Insurance Group in Scottsdale, AZ we are independent insurance agents who can offer our customers the most choices and pricing. We know we work for our customers, and we will do the hard work of comparing carriers for you. 

Documents that you should always carry in your vehicle

Driver’s license

Since many people use their driver’s license as a form of ID, it is usually on their person at all times. This means that when you are in your vehicle your license will be there with you. This is essential to keep you from getting a ticket and a potential fine if you are pulled over by the police and asked to produce it. 

Insurance card

When your auto insurance renews, you will be sent a copy of your policy along with your insurance cards. If you don’t get paper copies but have opted for digital, your insurance cards will be available to print on the insurance website. This should then be placed in your glove box or another safe place in your vehicle. A document holder that attaches to your visor is also a good storage place. 


Your vehicle must be registered in the state of Arizona if you are a resident. The first registration is done at the DMV and when it is time to renew it can be done online. You need to print out the paid registration form and keep it in your vehicle. Placing it with your insurance card makes it easy to produce if the need arises. 

Get Auto Insurance Today

Contact Homeowners Insurance Group in Scottsdale, AZ to get a review of your current auto insurance or to discuss a new policy. 

Commercial insurance that most small businesses can benefit from

The vast majority of businesses in the United States are small businesses and small business owners face many risks. You can’t do much to lower the risks except to make sure that you have the right commercial insurance to protect you if a hazard hits.  Our agents at Homeowners Insurance Group in Scottsdale, AZ can personalize your commercial insurance for you and your business. We will make sure you will be able to survive a disaster.  

These are some coverage that your business can benefit from:

Property coverage

Commercial property insurance offers a lot of protection to a small business. Even if you don’t own the building or if you have your business in your home, it can still be very valuable. It covers the things you use in your business. Things like tools for a plumber, display cases, and racks for a store. It also covers your inventory and raw materials and all the office equipment and machinery.  These are the things that help you to make money, so you need them replaced asap. 

Liability insurance 

Businesses get sued all the time. As a matter of fact, about a third of all businesses get sued every year. That makes your risk pretty big. With liability insurance, you will have the money to pay for legal fees and a judgment if you should lose the case. This could make all the difference to whether or not your business can continue to operate. 

Business interruption insurance

When a covered hazard hits your business, you will not have any income coming in. Unfortunately, your bills don’t stop just because your income stream does. With this insurance, you will be able to meet your obligations and hold out until you are able to get back to business as usual. 

Give Us A Call

Contact Homeowners Insurance Group in Scottsdale, AZ to discuss your commercial insurance and how we can help your business. 

Does Home Insurance Cover My Electronics?

In a modern world, electronics are a big part of our lives. They make our lives easier, connect us to the world, and provide entertainment. When something happens to your home and belongings, you want to be sure that your home insurance will cover your electronics. Unfortunately, home insurance has limitations for electronics. Homeowners Insurance Group in Scottsdale, AZ is here to guide you through this important insurance coverage.

What Most Standard Home Policies Say About Electronics

Most home insurance policies have limited coverage for electronics. The limit is usually $2,500 for all electronics combined. This includes computers, tablets, smartphones, TVs, and other electronics. The limit may be higher if you have a home office, but it is usually limited to $5,000.

The costs of your devices add up quickly. The total could easily be over $2,500 if you have a new computer, phone, or device. If you have an older computer, the limit may not be enough to cover the replacement cost. If your home is burglarized or damaged in a fire, you may not replace all of your electronics.

Your Homeowners Insurance Group can help you get the coverage you need for your electronics. We offer additional personal property coverage that can be added to your home insurance policy.

What You Can Do To Protect Your Electronics

There are a few things you can do to help protect your electronics. You can add an endorsement or rider to your home insurance policy. This will increase the limit on your electronics coverage. You can also purchase a separate insurance policy for your electronics. This is called a personal property floater.

A personal property floater will cover your electronics anywhere in the world. It will also cover you if your electronics are damaged in a fire or stolen in a burglary. The cost of the policy will depend on the value of your electronics.

Give Us A Call

Learn more about home insurance coverage and electronics in Scottsdale, AZ by contacting the Homeowners Insurance Group. We can review your policy and help you get the coverage you need.